Real talk (I’m back)

3 min readJul 9, 2022

On March 11, 2022 I was quarantining after being diagnosed with COVID-19 (who hasn’t been by now). It was day 4 of 7 and I had set a goal of posting 1 blog per day to afl-guru after seeing the dreaded 2 red lines on a PCR test. I decided that instead of writing about some popular afl event or idea that had been written before by countless, well known afl journalists, I was gonna do something different. Something that I thought would’ve been done before and better then I could ever had written even with years of practice, but I was surprised. Nothing other then statistics had been done for the topic of Afl vs Nrl . I was shocked that I would be one of if not the first people to gather these stats and compare them. The timing couldn’t have been better as both the Afl and Nrl seasons were approaching. I opened up my computer and spent the next 2 and a half hours researching and writing up the blog. I also spent 15 minutes creating a perfect feature image that would get peoples attention. I hit publish, showed my friends and family and maybe got 4 views in the first hour. About half of what I normally got. That’s fine. I put in a lot of work but I’ll learn as I go at what gets peoples attention the most. I checked up on the stats for the blog about a week later and I was surprised to see they had over taken my most popular blog by getting 36 views. Cool! I always check to see where my views were coming from whether some had been on people’s recommended page or from links that I had sent. I was even more shocked to see as the main source of views. I looked up Afl vs Nrl on google and my blog was the third option! Things just escalated from there and as of today that blog has 2.7k views with 2.5k coming from google.

The traffic source from my Afl vs Nrl blog

After I posted this I started to get a bit overwhelmed. With so many people reading my work I worried if my blog didn’t have the same amount of effort then people would stop reading. I also was losing motivation to continue and didn’t want to force myself to write these. So I stopped. I needed a break. And I’m glad I took that break when I most needed it because I came back and fell in love with my blog again. I realized it’s not about reaching the medium partner program or trying to one up the previous blog in terms of statistics, it’s about loving what I’m doing and having fun with it.

Thanks for reading and I’m looking forward to making more content.

If you enjoyed please give me a couple claps and a follow would be appreciated!

